Content Recycle Turn Your Emails Into Blog Posts

One thing that blows me away is the number of emails and Facebook messages I send a day.  You might find you're receiving questions and comments from your readers or chatting with a friend or fellow blogger about a topic.  Take a look at your inbox, and more importantly your sent folder, chances are you've been doing a fair bit of writing on a daily basis.  I bet a lot of it applies to your blog niche too!

Isn’t it a shame that many of these emails and messages only go out to one person?

Today we’re talking about a simple content recycle strategy that will turn those emails into evergreen content for your blog. The basic idea is simple. If you send an email or message that falls within your blogging niche create a post with it!

Quick and easy ways to Content Recycle Turn Your Emails Into Blog Posts.

Recycling One-on-One Emails

An easy way to recycle one-on-one emails, where appropriate, is to introduce the topic.

For example, you may share how the conversation started or that you received a question from a reader in response to another post on your site. This is similar to Day 6 where we talked about using reader questions as a quick content idea.

This is a quick and easy post since you did most of the writing when you replied to the email. Chances are you can copy and paste most of your email or message right into a blog post.


Recycling Email Messages and A/R Messages to Your List

Next look at the messages you sent out to your list. This could be your weekly newsletter, evergreen helpful tips or even the emails that compose your autoresponder. Pick and choose through them and see what would also make a good blog post.

Paste the entire email message into drafts, expand on the topic and edit away. Use the down and dirty formatting tips we talked about a few days ago and you’re good to go.


Anytime you don’t feel like writing much, or hit a block, dig through your emails. I’m sure you’ll find something you can use.

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