Product Reviews Make Great Content If…

At Quick and Easy Blogging we have a motto of “you do you”  when it comes to how bloggers decide to run their sites.  Over the past few years, product reviews have received a bad rep.  It is easy to tell when a post isn't honest and seems to lead towards copy and paste style rather than personal style.  Many companies send products to bloggers along with a set of talking points or benefits to mention that have been crafted by their PR team and/or advertising agency, resulting in non-authentic posts.

BUT…There is still a place and need for good products reviews and they make great content for your blog, if they're done in the right way.  Readers are smart and can spot a fake review from a mile away which will hurt your credibility and possibly result in loss of followers.  An honest review of a product you've actually used can be extremely helpful to someone looking to make a purchase decision.

Quick and easy ways that product reviews can make great content.


Product reviews make great content if:

  1. Only review products you’re actually using and are finding helpful or worth the money. Keep the big picture in mind, you want to be a trustworthy source of value to your readers.
  2. You disclose any relationship and include proper dofollow/nofollow links within the post.
  3. If you love a product you use all the time, why not write a review and let readers know you've purchased it yourself and thought they might love it too.
  4. You use your own pictures and/or video of the product, it is nice to know that you've actually USED the product and can show that. (like the image about, isn't that better than a boring stock image)


When doing a review make sure you put the product to a real test and ensure it is working and holding up as you would expect.  Don’t be afraid to point out anything you don’t like about a product. Let your readers know if you think it’s a deal breaker or why you’re continuing to use it despite the drawbacks. Maybe a kitchen appliance isn’t easy to clean, but it does such a great job that it’s worth the messy clean-up job.

Your readers will pay more attention and be more likely to take you up on the recommendation if you sound credible. Try it.  Who knows your review might turn into an epic post!


We hope that by implementing these tips your product reviews will become a very educational, popular and potentially profitable part of your blogging schedule.

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