Optimizing Images for Different Social Media Sites

We’ve been talking about social media sites for the past few days and I thought it was worth going over the best image sizes for each social media platform. While this is not an all-inclusive list, I’m covering the big 7 sites. For any other niche specific social media sites you may be using, do a quick Google search to find the best images sizes.

Having the right size image for each social media site will help make your content sine and get you the best chance of having people share it.

Optimizing Images for Different Social Media Sites


Optimizing Images for Different Social Media Sites

Facebook Image Optimization

Facebook will pull up any images on your page and let you choose with one to display on your Facebook post. You also have the option to upload an image directly to Facebook and then include a link in the description. In either case, 1200 x 628 pixels is the image size you want to shoot for.

If you are hoping your readers will post and share links to your blog post on their Facebook profiles and pages, include an image of that size in each of your blog posts.

Other Facebook image sizes to note:

  • profile 180 x 180 pixels
  • cover photo 820 x 312 pixels with max file size 100KB


Twitter Image Optimization

The best size for images on Twitter is 506 x 252 pixels with a maximum file size of 5 MB for photo and 3MB for gif. Since you’ll be uploading these to your tweets as you tweet about your posts, I recommend making a separate twitter image (or even several if you’d like) and not including these in your posts.

Other Twitter image sizes to note:

  • profile 400 x 400 pixels with a max file size of 2MB
  • header 1500 x 500 pixels with a max file size of 5MB

Instagram Image Optimization

Instagram images are square so keep that in mind when you’re posting. The app will help resize and crop the images as needed. If you want to create them in your editing software and then upload to the app, use 1080 x 1080 pixel images.

Other Instagram image sizes to note:

  • profile 110 x 110 pixels
  • story 1080 x 1920 pixels

Social Media Love Part 2 - Get Content Ideas

Pinterest Image Optimization

For Pinterest images a 2:3 ratio of width to height seems to work best.  An image of either 600 x 900 pixels or 735 x 1102 pixels is your best bet for reaching your audience and getting clicks.  Experiment with collages and text overlays to help with clarity.

Other Pinterest image sizes to note:

  • profile 165 x 165 pixels with a max file size of 10MB
  • pinboard (large thumbnail) 222 x 150 pixels


YouTube Image Optimization

You don’t really have to use an image on YouTube. The main thing is that you maintain the 16:9 image ratio. For best results use a minimum HD of 1280 x 720 pixels for the custom thumbnail size.

Other YouTube image sizes to note:

  • profile 800 x 800 pixels
  • channel cover art 2560 x 1440 pixels


Tumbler Image Optimization

Tumbler is another very visual social media platform. High-resolution photos will help here and you can upload images up to 10 MB large. Images will appear at 500 x 750 pixels.

Other Tumblr image sizes to note:

  • profile 128 x 128 with a max file size of 10MB

Google+ Image Optimization

This isn’t the most popular social media platform for most of us, but it is well worth spending a little time sharing your content on because it is quickly picked up and ranked in the Google search results. The best image size for your content is 497 x 373 pixels. Since you’ll be uploading the image to Google+, I recommend creating a custom image and using your keyword as part of the image file name.

Other Google+ image sizes to note:

  • profile 250 x 250 pixels with a max file size of 100MB
  • cover image 1080 x 608 pixels


Social media and the image requirements are constantly changing so check back often or check in with the social media networks and see if they have a current image requirement for you to follow.


Have you seen our done for you content?  We have social media packs sized for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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